The SHF Masterclass

Coming soon...

The Masterclass will be a series of online videos that will give you a complete tutorial about how to use the Strategic Heart Failure method to you advantage. Watch as Dr. Silver walks you through each topic towards creating you own strategic approach for heart failure care. You and your family will be able to watch them at home, at your leisure and watch them over and over. The Masterclass is designed to take the information and make it come to life, clarify and focus your approach and turn you into a Master of you own Heart Failure Care.

It will include key information and discussion of topics including:

For nearly 4 decades Dr. Silver has been caring for patients and their families and careful listening and clear explanations were a cornerstone of those remarkable interactions. Let the Strategic Heart Failure approach come to life for you with the Masterclass.

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Strategic Heart Failure updates.

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Dr. Silver's Strategic Heart Failure Patient Profile Tool
- one of the key SHF tools.